SMB Workplace & Employment Law provide employment contract advice to workers and employees.

Starting a new job?

For many people, their contract of employment will be one of the most important contracts they ever enter into, second in value maybe only to the purchase of a home.

Yet most people barely give the terms of the contract a second thought, until it’s too late. 

Whilst many contracts are in fairly standard terms, it doesn’t take an expert employment lawyer long to review an employment contract to make sure there are no nasty surprises contained within.  

In most cases, SMB Workplace & Employment Law will review your contract for a fixed fee – so you’ll know exactly where you stand with your new employer, and your legal fees.     

Expert Advice. National Recognition.

Leading Employment Law Firm (Employee & Union Representation) – South Australia, 2024.

Epworth Building
Suite 315, 33 Pirie Street

ph: (08) 8410 9699